
Hiking is a healthy and family-friendly hobby that has grown in popularity. For those nature junkies who genuinely love the outdoors, hiking is a perfect way to explore new roads and destinations. The United States is home to a number of places designated for those...

Pregnancy is a very exciting time in a woman’s life. From conception to birth, everything a pregnant woman does have lasting effects on her future newborn. It is important during this time that she follows her doctor’s recommendations in order to make the pregnancy run...

It’s that time of the year again; it’s National Physical Therapy month! During the month of October, we recognize the physical therapists’ that have helped improve the quality of life for their patients. Physical therapy is an effective treatment route for many different conditions and...

Breast Cancer Awareness Month is an annual campaign for spreading knowledge and awareness of the disease throughout the month of October. About 1 in 8 U.S. women (about 12%) will develop breast cancer over the course of their lifetime, and approximately 40,000 women in the...

Pregnancy is a time of change for a woman’s body, both physically and emotionally. Along with these changes, the gift of a new baby also brings unwanted body weight. Women who are an average weight before pregnancy can gain anywhere from 25 to 35 pounds....

Did you know that there are more than forty medical conditions associated with obesity? Not only could being obese affect your daily activities but it can result in serious medical conditions. Obesity is defined as having an extreme amount of excess body fat, resulting in...

Are you looking for Physical Therapy in Geneva, New York? Lake Country Physical Therapy & Sportscare, PC, located in Canandaigua of Ontario County offers a variety of services to make you more comfortable in your day to day life. From the moment you walk into...

We have all seen those colorful bits of tape that are intricately placed all over athletes, but you may not have known what it was. You may have thought to yourself, is that actually helping them? The answer is yes, and this new therapeutic method...

Fibromyalgia is a chronic musculoskeletal disorder that causes joint pain, tenderness and fatigue. Fibromyalgia is the second most common disorder in people today. Although there is no way to prevent fibromyalgia, things can be done to help avoid “flare-ups”. A fibromyalgia flare- up is when...