Getting Back in Shape After Childbirth

Getting Back in Shape After Childbirth

Pregnancy is a time of change for a woman’s body, both physically and emotionally.

Along with these changes, the gift of a new baby also brings unwanted body weight. Women who are an average weight before pregnancy can gain anywhere from 25 to 35 pounds.

A great way to begin your your fitness journey is to make a commitment to a healthy lifestyle. The extra calories from junk food may have been excusable when you were pregnant but following childbirth it is best to watch your calorie intake. Foods such as chips, sodas and cookies should be cut out and replaced with meats containing lean protein, whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and low fat dairy products.

Diet is extremely important but you will see no improvement without getting up and moving around! Exercise helps to maintain both physical health as well as your mental health. New mothers need at least six weeks of rest before getting into intense physical activity, but following this break, walking is a good way to ease back into a routine. Walking is easy on the body and doesn’t cause any extra bleeding, especially if your child was delivered through a cesarean section.

Once ready to get back into a fitness routine, weight lifting is a great way to speed up your metabolism, or if you are looking for a more gentle routine, look into swimming, water aerobics, post natal exercise classes, and low impact aerobics. The exercises should be gradual as there should be no rush to get back to your pre-baby body. Consult with your physical therapist about exercises to help strengthen the body without overly exerting yourself.

Lake Country Physical Therapy & Sportscare PC offers the very best physical therapy in Ontario County. We treat all your wants and needs with our trusted and experienced Physical Therapists and staff. To begin to feel pain and stress free, start your Physical Therapy journey today and schedule your evaluation by calling (585) 396-1400.