
With the warmer weather coming in slowly but surely, flowers are blooming and it is time to start fixing up the garden! Before going headfirst into gardening this season, make sure you are prepared with proper tips and tricks to enhance your safety in the...

At Lake Country Physical Therapy & Sportscare, we aim to help men reach their maximum health for every stage of life. Our professionals specialize in the treatment of men’s health issues, and provide comfortable, one-on-one therapy to improve your health and overall wellness. We can...

Muscle cramps, while not a serious injury, are something everyone has had, or will have, sometime throughout their life. Muscle cramps tend to develop from over exercising, by not stretching enough before a workout, or from being dehydrated. It's important to know what a muscle...

American Heart Month February is typically thought of as the month of Valentine's Day, but there is actually another heart theme this month, and it lasts not one day but for all 28 days! February is also now known as American Heart Month, and it is...

Don't you wish those "Caution: Wet Floor" signs that we see in local supermarkets could be placed on the ground outdoors as well, saving us from slipping on the black ice that winter has so graciously bestowed upon us? Winter is definitely upon us and...

Common Ski and Snowboard Injuries Some people love winter sports and going away to ski or snowboard for a weekend. While both can be fun hobbies, they can also be quite dangerous if not properly prepared or experienced. If your are new the slopes, it would...

Graston Technique The concept of cross fiber massage may not be a new idea but the instruments used for this procedure is fairly new. The Graston Technique allows soft tissue to mobilize eliminating the formation of scar tissue. These new instruments allow clinicians to effectively detect...

Resistance Training for Osteoarthritis Osteoarthritis is a type of arthritis that occurs when the flexible tissue at the end of the bones wears down. Resistance training is commonly used by physical therapists in order to increase tolerance and endurance for people experiencing osteoarthritis pain. Exercises such as...