
Canandaigua Physical Therapist


Choose PT

When it comes to pain there are a variety of options available to those who live near Canandaigua for substantial relief, thanks to advanced medicine. However, two stand out for providing sustainable long- term care results and improved physical support: physical therapy and surgery. Both use effective tools for pressure relief and muscle rejuvenation, but they incorporate very different procedures for achieving their desired results. If you live near Canandaigua, there are options for you.

The biggest difference between them is healthcare invasion and, in conjunction, the paralleled risks that are associated with certain methods. Surgery should often be the last resort for effective medical treatments because it contains high-risk chances during and after the procedure begins. Infection, foreign object invasion, and chance of human error are just a few of the major risks associated with surgical methods. Also the healing time and financial costs of surgery can be high. Consequently, other methods of healthcare are being used for initial relief and support.

Physical therapy is a substantial healthcare initiative that has brought effective results in the field of pain. Its non-invasive procedures have grown to match surgical benefits, and diverge as a dependable and safer option for patients experiencing varying pain levels. Extensive stretching and personalized exercise programs are implored using natural health benefits that allow your body to experience its maximum health stability and blood circulation.

An additional, and favored, benefit for choosing physical therapy over surgery in Canandaigua is the ability for the patient to have an active role in their healthcare recovery, with the allowance to have control every step of the way. This therapy is in no way a passive treatment for the patient; therapists work collaboratively with patients to design program routines that will directly help them target their specific needs and challenges.  Furthermore, therapy isn’t only used for relieving superficial pain, but for enhancing mobility and motion beyond the target pain for the improvement of health and balance.

Lake Country Physical Therapy and Sportscare located in Canandaigua works within a trusted partnership with patients to help them achieve their desired results. Therapists effectively treat a variety of pain conditions, and bring educational resources to their patients for their own continued self-care. Call us today to schedule your consultation and see what physical therapy can help you achieve!