07 Mar Care for Massive RTC Tears
RCTs, or rotator cuff tears, are just one of many common injuries that can develop as we age. In 2008 alone, around 2 million Americans found themselves visiting their doctors due to rotator cuff complications. The accompanying pain with this injury makes simple, everyday tasks difficult to perform and may require a long recovery period to alleviate.
The rotator cuff is a grouping of four muscles that combine to keep the top of your arm in place within the shallow shoulder socket and allows mobility. When one of these tendons separates- or tears- from the top of the arm, pain ensues. This is known as a “full-thickness” or “complete” tear. A “partial” tear is a lesser degree and only affects the soft tissue, leaving the tendon intact.
There are two main causes of RCTs- acute and degenerative. Less common, acute rotator cuff tears spawn from sudden shock to the shoulder; whether it be from heavy lifting or falling. As mentioned before, degenerative rotator cuff tears can naturally set in from our bodies aging, making people over the age of 40 especially susceptible. Further, repetitive stress on the shoulder from work or sports can also fall under this classification of rotator cuff tears as well.
Fortunately, there are non-invasive ways to help the shoulder recover from a rotator cuff tear. Modern exercise programs, specifically designed to target the shoulder, have been proven to limit pain and return motion to the ailing joint.
Lake Country Physical Therapy and Sportscare PC in Canandaigua, NY provides the most effective methods to help alleviate any kind of pain. No matter the cause, our licensed therapists understand the negative implications of long-term injuries and it’s our focus to get each patient back on track as quickly as possible. If you need to schedule an appointment, or have any other questions, please feel free to contact us today.