26 Mar Tennis Elbow
What Is Tennis Elbow?
With the beautiful weather just starting to appear, that means one thing: spring sports! Spring is the time to get outside and get that fresh air that you have been missing all winter. A great spring sport that many are excited to play is tennis. But don’t just go reaching for your racquet just yet. Tennis elbow is a very serious condition that affects around 50 percent of tennis players. And it’s not just tennis players who suffer from it. Any other sports that use racquets are also victims and even some occupations. People who are employed as a painter, carpenter or anyone who lifts a lot can also develop tennis elbow. But there are things that you can do to prevent this from ruining your spring.
- Get in shape– Don’t just go join the next tournament without a little training first. Make sure that you are healthy enough to be playing and always warm up before practicing.
- Strengthen– The overuse of your muscles will cause great strain if they are not strong enough. It is extremely important to strengthen your arms, shoulders and back to take some of the tension off of your elbow.
- Get the right equipment– Using the right racquet for your size and strength is extremely important. You also want to make sure that the grip on the racquet is soft enough to provide a cushioning effect.
- Talk to your Physical Therapist-If you have any signs of discomfort while playing talk to your PT right away! It is important to catch the problem before it turns into a bigger one.
Don’t let an injury keep you from doing what you love this spring! Did you know that you do not need a referral to come to Lake Country Physical Therapy & Sportscare, P.C.? Direct Access is an enactment, which allows patients to be evaluated and treated by a licensed physical therapist, for up to 10 treatment sessions OR 30 days (whichever occurs first), without a referral/prescription from their physicians.
Lake Country Physical Therapy & Sportscare PC offers the very best physical therapy in Ontario County. We treat all your wants and needs with our trusted and experienced Physical Therapists and staff. To begin to feel pain and stress free, start your Physical Therapy journey today and schedule your evaluation by calling (585) 396-1400.