07 Jul Play Golf? Avoid potential injuries with these tips.
Play Golf? Avoid potential injuries with these tips
Although golfing isn’t necessarily thought of as a high risk sport like football, lacrosse, or soccer, precautions are still needed to be taken when playing to ensure the safety of your body. Most of the injuries people get from golfing are a result of overuse and the most common area to be injured is the lower back.
To prevent injuring your lower back as well as any part of your body, it is important that you don’t just jump into a game of golf. You should warm up for approximately ten minutes, focusing on dynamic stretching of your hands, wrists, forearms, elbows, shoulders, spine, and pelvis. Swinging your golf club a few times and progressively increasing your speed will also help you get warmed up with a reduced chance of injury as you move through the golf course.
During a golf swing you are utilizing almost every part of your body. If swinging is done frequently, stress is put on the same muscles, tendons, and joints over and over again which over time can lead to injuries. Make sure when you are swinging that you are using the appropriate posture, meaning you should be standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and faced slightly outward with your knees bent a little. Stand up straight and try not to hunch over the ball to avoid neck or back straining.
Make sure that when you are swinging, you are evenly distributing the force from all of your body. If you leave all of the hard work up to one part of your body, you are more likely to get an injury and will also not be making the most effective approach towards hitting a good shot. Make sure your swing is done with the amount of power your body is able to perform.
Following these tips can help prevent injury while golfing, but if you do end up with a golfing injury, Lake Country Physical Therapy and Sportscare, PC is here to help. We have a number of different services to help you heal as soon as possible and get right back to playing.We also can help with your golf game as well, ask us about how we can help make you the best golfer you can be.