05 Apr Hiking Safety
Safety should always come first when hiking, and the same guidelines should be followed no matter how long you have been hiking for or where your destination might be.
Hiking is a great recreational hobby, but being ill prepared or making common mistakes on the trail can cause injury, discomfort, or worse. Hikers must prepare themselves for the hazards and dangers on the trail in order to be safe and get the most out of the natural beauty of the world.
Preparing for your hike starts before you even leave you house. The number one rule is to never go hiking alone, as you never know what can happen that can leave you immobilized. Additionally, you should always let somebody know when you are leaving and when you plan on returning or arriving at your destination in order to locate you or your party in the case of an emergency. Learn the area and make sure you have maps in order to plan your route accordingly, and make sure to check weather reports before you begin your journey.
Hikers are encouraged to wear specific clothing and bring essential items with them. Although you may not want to carry too much gear or equipment, it is better to be safe than sorry when out in the wilderness and dealing with unknown factors. Recreational Equipment Inc. (REI) lists these ten classic essentials:
- Map
- Compass
- Sunglasses and sunscreen
- Extra clothes
- Headlamp or flashlight
- First-aid kit
- Firestarter
- Matches or lighter
- Knife
- Extra food
Remember to pack extra water as there is the possibility of being plagued by dehydration and heat stroke if you are in the middle of a hike. Weather conditions in the northeast can change dramatically, so always bring an extra layer of clothes in case you are caught in the rain or the temperature drops below freezing. The first-aid kit should contain bandages as blistering is common, and you should always be wearing proper hiking footwear to avoid being in pain throughout the hike.
If you get lost or injured on the trail, stay put. If you are with somebody else, they can help you by providing first-aid or keeping you warm and dry. If you become separated from your party, it is best to stay put, and if dwindling daylight is becoming an issue, build a campfire to keep warm, ward off animals, and to have a smoke signal as a rescue team can see it from above the trees.
Hiking is a great pastime for those who love nature or perhaps need to escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life for a little bit. It is important, however, to be safe and pack enough in case anything goes wrong. If you follow these guidelines and do not try to go at it alone, you will have a great hike and discover what lies off the beaten path.
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