July 2015 Newsletter

Happy 4th of July

Eating Healthy During the 4th of July Weekend

Fourth of July is a relaxing holiday full of barbecues and fireworks. Often during cookouts, we see a lot of burgers and steaks on the grill. While delicious, certain foods and drinks that are consumed during this holiday can be very unhealthy, and often overlooked as being bad for you. While an occasional treat is ok, if you want to stay healthy during this holiday, there are plenty of other options for you to eat to keep the calorie count low.

When it comes to drinks, soda and beer are very commonly consumed during Fourth of July weekend. These can be very unhealthy, especially when they are high in sugar and calories. There are plenty of other options to stay healthy, such as drinking water or juice. It is important to stay hydrated as well, so if you do choose to drink beverages that are high in sugar or are alcoholic, be sure to balance it out with plenty of water.

grilled salmon
Burgers, steaks, and hot dogs are seen as staple foods of the holiday. While yes, they are delicious; they can be unhealthy. Steak has about the same amount of protein per serving as chicken, but has a lot more calories. Hamburgers aren’t the worst things for you, but when topped with things such as cheese or bacon, they become a lot higher in calories in fat, without you even realizing it. There are plenty of delicious chicken recipes online, such as grilled chicken with barbecue sauce, or chicken kabobs. If you aren’t feeling chicken this coming holiday, you can always make different types of fish such as grilled salmon.

This holiday, be sure to make the right choices. It is ok to treat yourself to something a little less healthy, but be sure to consider your options while at the grocery store. Who knows, maybe some healthier choices could end up becoming a family favorite!